Wrights Road Storage Ponds
In 2007, WIL purchased a 120-ha property at Wrights Road, Burnt Hill, North Canterbury for the purpose of constructing water storage ponds. In June 2013, WIL was granted a building consent to construct an 8.2 million m3 water storage facility. In October 2014, resource consents were issued, however, those consents were then challenged in the Environment Court – but subsequently granted in August 2020.
In January 2024, a shareholder vote was held which narrowly failed to reach the required 75% majority to proceed with construction of the Wrights Road storage ponds with 71.23% of shareholders voting for the proposal.
A revised Wrights Road Storage Ponds proposal was provided to shareholders in July 2024 and this proposal is currently being considered by WIL shareholders. A series of meetings and consultation sessions will be held during July and August 2024.
Why do we need the storage ponds?
Securing a reliable water supply will enable Waimakariri’s farmers to continue viable farming operations into the future.
Having stored water improves the reliability of irrigation water for shareholders. Currently, the reliability of water provided by WIL is around 75%, whereas with storage, water reliability would be increased to approximately 92%.
If minimum flow levels increase for the Waimakariri River this would have a significant impact on the reliability of water supply. This could also impact WIL’s future consent conditions which is why it is imperative to act now to address the implications of potential future minimum flow increases.
Having a reliable source of water will enable shareholders to consider options for alternative land use in the future.
Environmental initiatives such as MAR (Managed Aquifer Recharge) and TSA (Targeted Stream Augmentation) which were included in WIL’s Plan Change 7 (PC7) Solutions Package require a reliable supply of water.
Climate change is impacting river levels and temperatures are predicted to rise with extreme weather events including river flooding predicted to occur more frequently. Having a secure supply of stored water provides shareholders with the ability to mitigate climate-related risks to their farming businesses.
How is the water collected and used?
The storage ponds will collect excess water diverted from the Waimakariri River during periods of high river flow or low scheme demand. It is expected that bulk filling of the ponds will occur during irrigation shoulder seasons and winter months. The ponds will be refilled with water not used during the peak irrigation season in accordance with water availability and river flow restrictions.
The water in the storage ponds will supplement the irrigation scheme when water from the run-of-the-river supply is limited or unavailable, due to high flow or low flow conditions in the Waimakariri River.
Project site map and landscaping plan
Project timeline
Revised water storage shareholder meeting
23 July 2024
Further information
If you have questions regarding the Wrights Road Storage Ponds Project or require further information, please contact WIL’s CEO Brent Walton. His contact details are below:
Brent Walton
Email: brent.walton@wil.co.nz
Phone: 022 086 9986